Apolix Process Mining Whitepaper
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Alexander Stromberg
+31 10 880 00 80
Apolix Process Mining Whitepaper

24 Jan 2023How can you make the right decisions if you cannot see the drivers behind the process?
Decision making based on gut-feelings instead of facts. It is more common than one might think. Similarly, many companies experience friction due to a gap between the design and reality of their business processes. It is a very significant problem of which the impact is often underestimated. However, the solution to this is process mining!
You might have heard of process mining, but you’re still unsure what it is and how it works. All you need to know about process mining can be found in this white paper! We do not only discuss the fundamentals of this data-driven technology, but also why process mining adds incredible value to your business. Discover how your organisation can benefit from this technology to become a frictionless, superfluid, organisation.
We also have the Apolix Process Mining Handbook available, containing all the information you need on starting your own process mining project. This can be found here! Are you more interested in a live process mining demo for you and your colleagues? This can be requested here.
Executive Summary
Over the last 20 years many organisations underwent a digital transformation, during which millions were spent on ERP and CRM implementations. Despite countless improvements in efficiency of these implementations, negativity still surrounds the topic. Undesired outcomes and failed migrations are the result of the extreme complexity and time consumption of implementation projects.
In the industry, we often see a gap between the initial process design and reality, which creates suboptimal processes for the business user and a low adoption of the supporting system. Consequently, business users create parralel reports and processes, and fill out fake information which results in significant problems. This does not only cause issues for management reporting, but also inefficient processes, lack of compliance, and data loss and integrity. To overcome these issues, organisations should strive to decrease the gap between the initial design of their systems and the day-to-day reality in their operational processes. This gap can be eliminated with the data driven solution of process mining.
Process mining creates transparency in your processes by using the (meta-)data in your system. We collect the data stored in your ERP / CRM system and discover how processes flow in reality. By revealing the disconnect between reality and “system-truth”, we define the next steps to enhance your process. Consequently, the gap decreases and processes reflect both reality and design, eliminating the need for parallel reporting, solving compliance issues, reducing inefficient processes, and decrease loss of data and integrity.
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